Genuine Product Information

General Overview

PSIO Cartridge clones, copies or fake replicas harms us as a business as well as our retailers.

Our retailers work hard to sell our genuine device that we provide to them and purchasing clones not only harms us, but damages their company as well.

If genuine cartridges are not purchased though Cybdyn Systems who designed and developed PSIO, all businesses struggle.

We will also not be able to get new firmware updates released in a timely manor and we may cease to operate and terminate the future development of PSIO.

Visual Inspection of Clones

When looking at a clone, they will typically have:

  • Strange circuit board designs (such as being red with flames),
  • Incorrect font or non-center positioned silkscreen (text) on the circuit board,
  • Repurposed SCSI Parallel Ports (IE: CNC milled connector),
  • Screws, rivets or nylon pins to hold the plastic case together,
  • Cheap and poorly designed plastic cases,
  • No box, documentation or PET housing,
  • Poor or broken English on the product website,
  • Labels with one corner cut at an angle,
  • Upside down labels,
  • Official "PSIO" logo missing,
  • Cybdyn Systems tamper seal missing on the product packaging (example),
  • Heatsinks or thermal pads,
  • Aluminium cases,
  • Incorrectly positioned USB and SD Card ports,
  • Micro SD Card slot,
  • SMD LED or an LED of the wrong colour,
  • Claims of improved performance, and
  • Usage of cloned or cracked firmware showing serial 050715000000 or no serial at all.

These are just a few of the clones on the market (do not purchase any that look like them).

For comparison, please see what the genuine unit should look like in our store here.

Where to Purchase

Genuine Cybdyn Systems manufactured PSIO's are currently only available for sale by:

  • Cybdyn Systems (Australia) at,
  • Stone Age Gamer (USA) at,
  • Retro Modding (USA) at,
  • Indulging Life/trajano (UK) at, and
  • Powr Up Gaming (USA) at
Where not to Purchase
Any other websites such Alibaba, AliExpress, Taobao (淘宝网), eBay*, Amazon, private websites, etcetera however will sell clones. Purchasing cartridges from unauthorised websites causes damage to our company as we rely on profits from hardware sales (not software). If you have ordered from one of the websites marked in red above, cancel your order immediately and ask for a refund. If they refuse to issue you a refund, contact your bank immediately and issue the seller with a chargeback. The funds will then be issued back to your account by your bank and the seller will be flagged for investigation.
*some eBay sellers do sell our official product as a genuine wholesaler/distributor (see the list above in green for their eBay store).
Why should I purchase a genuine product?
Non-genuine cartridges use old firmwares, use our copyrighted code, use our registered trademark, are not future updateable, are poorly manufactured, do not offer any customer support from the developers, lack communication channel support and typically cost the same or even more as our genuine version. It is not worth buying them at all.

Wholesalers / Retailers

We are looking for wholesalers to sell genuine PSIO Cartridges in Brazil, Italy, Mexico and China. If you are interested, please contact us.

With sanctions in place, we cannot ship to the Ukraine or Russia so we are desperate for any wholesalers in these regions to contact us immediately.

Second Hand Units
If you've purchased a second hand PSIO Cartridge but can not access the downloads, you will need to contact the seller of whom you got the PSIO Cartridge from and ask them to transfer ownership.

If you do not have these credentials, you will need to at minimum have the sellers information so we can look up their information in our database and confirm that the PSIO Cartridge that you bought is in fact genuine. Once you have this information, you can then email us and we will assist you from there. If all else fails, you can purchase a new license from us (please contact us to purchase a new license).

Note that genuine cartridges will always be in our database where can look them up at any time. Do not share your credentials with anyone. We can refuse the right to offer you access to downloads should we be believe that your account information has been compromised and/or used on clones.

Do not listen to other websites claiming to be of authority on our behalf of the company and/or products. Fake cartridges use old firmware which means your games will have issues and they lack the build quality and customer support that we offer.

Both the hardware and software of PSIO is protected by copyright as well as registered trademark law. Unauthorised usage of the registered 'Cybdyn Systems' logo and/or name, microcontroller binaries and/or field programmable gate array bitstream is a breach of the aforementioned laws.

Copyright (C) 2010-2025 Cybdyn Systems, Australia (ABN 50 877 507 103).

PlayStation is a Registered Trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

All Rights Reserved.